Hey y'all
This week has been 2 kewl 4 skewl. Sister Neil and I are having a blast out here doing the Lord's work in Bristol!
We had a lesson with a part member family, the Stantons. Sister Stanton is not a member and is Methodist. Brother Stanton is a funny little guy and he as previously a college professor. We taught the Plan of Salvation. It was pretty awesome. We read Alma 40:12-
"And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow."
She said she felt peaceful when she read it. We know it was the spirit! She is so prepared it's amazing! We talked a lot about her baptism for her church and how great of an experience it was for her. We explained to her being baptized with the priesthood would only add to that experience and bring her closer to Jesus Christ. She agreed to pray about a baptismal date. WHOOPEEE!
We also had a great lesson with our investigator Don. Don has never had religion in his life before so it is a bit different teaching him without a Christian foundation. We talked about the importance of understanding the gospel with not just your head and mind but with your heart as well. He recognized that he had not asked God with his heart if the gospel was true.That's his assignment for this week, but we're eating dinner with him and some ward members tonight!
Yesterday, I picked up this rooster. I have a weird thing for picking up random animals because I think it's entertaining.
Also yesterday, I was asked to lead the music in sacrament meeting and so I went for it. It was a disaster! Hahahhahahahahah. Life long embarrassment but it's okay because Sister Neil and I have been laughing our heads off about it ever since.
Well that's about it. Bless your hearts folks!