Sunday, September 14, 2014

Staying in B-town!!!

Hey Y'all!!

Good news! I get to stay in Bristol for another transfer with Sister Burr (aka Connie Dumples). I am excited and very relieved, there are a few people that we are working with that I wasn't ready to say goodbye to just yet. Also in my own words which the elders think are weird, "Bristol is the most fertile area ever." Hahah interpret that how you want. I think it means that there's a lot of potential for the best kind of missionary work!

We had a great lesson with Debbie this week! She is the cutest lady ever and her daughter is very enthused that she is taking the lessons. She really opened up to us and we were very honored that she did. She has a lot of healing ahead of her and it is very possible as she strengthens her relationship with God and Jesus Christ.

Good news, Andrew is back on the radar! Brother Elvish called us the other day and set up a lesson at his house with Andrew for tomorrow morning. We still haven't spoken to Andrew but hopefully tomorrow we can see where he's at and reset his baptismal date.

Bobby is still going strong and coming to church every Sunday. He told Sister Burr after sacrament meeting yesterday that he had some hesitations because some of his friends had been saying some strange things about the church. He said that he didn't believe them but he wants to talk about it so we'll hopefully able to calm his fears and resolve any concerns at our lesson with him this week.

On Saturday night we had a conference call with the entire mission starting our fast so we may be able to gain the trust of the members, and increase the amount of missionary work in every area to reach our mission goal of 50 baptisms per month. President Griffin offered a heartfelt prayer and challenged each of us to bear our testimonies on Sunday to let the ward know what we were fasting for. He also asked us to study about fasting. In my studies I learned a lot about the power of fasting. Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage had a great quote: "Have you some besetting weakness, some sinful indulgence that you have vainly tried to overcome? Like the malignant demon that Christ rebuked in the boy (Matt. 17:14-21) your sin may be of a kind that goeth out only through prayer and fasting." As I went back and read the story in Matthew, I learned so much about improving the quality of our faith. The disciples were unable to cast the demon out because their unbelief. We can strengthen the quality of our faith through genuine prayer and fasting. I feel as if that we all have some degree of faith so that is the start, but after that it's all about improvement of quality. Something to think about for sure.

Anyways, I'm excited to spend my birthday in Bristol and that I get to stay here with Sister Burr! We are having the time of our lives! We made a music video the other day, I wish I could email it but it's too big to send so you can just imagine how cool we are.

Have a great week, y'all! LOVE YA!

Sister Andrea Kate Merrell

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